Center for Engineering MechanoBiology Director Vivek Shenoy has curated a collection of recent, cross-kingdom mechanobiology published papers in Biophysical Journal:
In this collection we have selected papers published in Biophysical Journal during the past year that focus on different aspects of mechanobiology. These articles highlight the cross-kingdom importance of mechanobiology, spanning shape evolution in plant organs and migration of single mammalian cells. The selected papers signify advances in understanding cancer cell survivability, mechanosensitivity of cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion, the influence of constraint on cellular alignment and motility, and novel modes of mechanotransduction. Critically, they underscore that theory and modeling are ever at the forefront of this exciting field, shaping our comprehension of new mechanisms as they emerge.
–Vivek Shenoy, CEMB Director, Editor of Systems Biophysics, Biophysical Journal
View the collection here.