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CEMB graduate fellows participate in CEMB’s intensive “Boot Camp” experience, held every other summer. Fellows usually participate within the first two years of joining the CEMB.

Boot Camp, hosted at one member institution for all participants, includes lectures in cell biology, bioengineering, matrix biology, and plant biology and mechanics; wet and dry lab experiences in rheometry, basic cell and molecular biology techniques, basics plant biology techniques, and computational modeling; small group tutorials; journal clubs; and ethics and knowledge transfer training.

Boot Camp includes a mini-research experience and presentation at the conclusion of the course.

The 2024 Boot Camp will begin on July 15 at University of Pennsylvania! We will welcome 13 students from across the country and with the help of CEMB faculty and trainees, provide a mechanobiology-intensive with lectures, labs, and group projects. Lecture will be open to CEMB members and summer program participants. Please contact annjeong@seas.upenn.edu for details.

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