- Kapish Gupta, Assistant Professor, IIT Guwahati
- Wells Lab, Postdoc (2020-2024)
- Apurva Limaye, Postdoctoral Researcher, Columbia University
- Arinzeh Lab, PhD Student (2017-2023)
- Ryan Calcutt, Postdoc, Washington University in St. Louis
- Dixit Lab, PhD Student (2017-2023)
- Faviolla Baez-Cruz, Postdoc, Penn
- Ostap Lab, PhD Student (2018-2023)
- Julianne Tefft, Scientific Communication Fellow, Harvard Medical School
- Chen Lab, PhD Student (2018-2023)
- Natasha Bilkey, Associate, McKinsey & Company
- Dixit Lab, PhD Student (2018-2023)
- Jairaj Mathur,
- Pathak Lab, PhD Student (2019-2023)
- Jose Almeida, Postdoc, HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus
- Pathak Lab, PhD Student (2019-2023)
- Joseph Collins, Research Fellow, Boston Children’s
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2019-2023)
- Megan Griebel, Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne
- Chen Lab, PhD Student (2019-2023)
- Sai Phyo, MD, Penn
- Prosser Lab, PhD Student (2019-2023)
- Sunghee Estelle Park, Assistant Professor, Purdue University
- Huh Lab, PhD Student (2020-2023)
- Grey Hallström, Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania
- Mauck Lab, PhD Student (2021-2023)
- Fitzroy Byfield, Research Specialist, Janmey Lab
- Janmey Lab, PhD Student (2021-2023)
- Erin Berlew, Research Associate, Penn
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2022-2023)
- Niranjan Sarpangala, Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania
- Gopinathan Lab, PhD Student (2022-2023)
- Panwei Yuan, Manufacturing Industry
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2022-2023)
- Shoshana Das, Postdoc Fellow, Boston University
- Chen Lab, PhD Student (2022-2023)
- Will Goldberg, Research Assistant, Foston Lab
- Foston & Genin Labs, PhD Student (2022-2023)
- Jessica Llewellyn, Research Scientist, Resolution Therapeutics
- Wells Lab, Postdoc (2018-2023)
- Ivan Radin, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
- Haswell Lab, Postdoc (2019-2023)
- Jungwook Paek, Assistant Professor, SUNY Binghamton
- Huh Lab, Postdoc (2021-2023)
- Dawei Song, Senior Simulation and Data Analysis Engineer, Caterpillar, Inc
- Janmey Lab, Postdoc (2021-2023)
- Dongning Chen, Postdoc, Stanford
- Wells Lab, PhD Student (2017-2022)
- Richard Vincent, Senior Scientist, Cytosorbents, Inc
- Arinzeh Lab, PhD Student (2017-2022)
- Xingyu Chen, Machine Learning Scientist, TikTok
- Shenoy Lab, PhD Student (2017-2022)
- Jenny Codjoe (née Shoots), Postdoc, Danforth Plant Science Center
- Haswell Lab, PhD Student (2018-2022)
- Kari Miller, Investment Analyst, Biogenerator
- Haswell Lab, PhD Student (2018-2022)
- Emily Eastburn, Product Development Engineer, Terumo Medical Corporation
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2020-2022)
- Melina Gyparaki, Medical Writer II, PRECISIONscientia
- Lakadamyali Lab, PhD Student (2020-2022)
- Chris Price, Founder, Atomic Data Sciences
- Shenoy Lab, PhD Student (2021, 2022)
- Yu Du, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Wells Lab, Postdoc (2017-2022)
- Palash Dutta, Scientist, Illumina
- Chen Lab, Postdoc (2018-2022)
- Aaron Snoberger, Scientist, SK Life Science
- Ostap Lab, Postdoc (2018-2022)
- Claire Witherel, Medical Science Liaison, Integra
- Burdick Lab, Postdoc (2020-2022)
- Laura Osorno, Intellectual Property Manager, NJIT
- Arinzeh Lab, Postdoc (2022)
- Vivek Ambastha,
- Dixit Lab, Postdoc (2022)
- Andy Clark, Medical Physics Resident, Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Cheng Lab, PhD Student (2017-2021)
- Erin Masucci, Scientist, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, J&J
- Ostap Lab, PhD Student (2017-2021)
- Ricardo Linares, Postdoctoral Fellow, MD-PhD Trainee, University of Pennsylvania
- Jain Lab, PhD Student (2017-2021)
- Ryan von Kleek, Scientist, Vesigen Therapeutics, Inc
- Assoian Lab, PhD Student (2017-2021)
- Tonia Tsinman, Director, R&D, Forsagen
- Mauck Lab, PhD Student (2017-2021)
- Emile Kraus,
- Janmey Lab, PhD Student (2018-2021)
- Eric Dai, Investor, Dimension Cap
- Mauck Lab, PhD Student (2018-2021)
- Ethan Hoppe, Engineer, Boeing
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2018-2021)
- Julie Heffler, Postdoc, Cornell
- Prosser Lab, PhD Student (2018-2021)
- Ana Peredo, Associate, Soleus Capital Management, L.P.
- Mauck Lab, PhD Student (2019-2021)
- Hannah Zlotnick, Schmidt Science Fellow (Postdoc, Burdick Lab, CU Boulder)
- Mauck Lab, PhD Student (2019-2021)
- Manasvita Vashisth, Consultant, Clearview Healthcare Partners
- Discher Lab, PhD Student (2020-2021)
- Andrei Georgescu, Co-founder, CEO Vivodyne- Huh lab Start-up
- Huh Lab, PhD Student (2021)
- Delaram Shakiba, Pathology Resident (MD), Saint Louis University
- Genin Lab, Postdoc (2017-2021)
- Farid Alisafaei, Assistant. Professor, NJIT
- Shenoy Lab, Postdoc (2017-2021)
- Irène Dang, Research Specialist, Padex, Switzerland
- Assoian Lab, Postdoc (2017-2021)
- Shefali Talwar, Life Sciences Consultant, Putnam Associates
- Assoian Lab, Postdoc (2017-2021)
- Ze Gong, Faculty, USTC, China
- Shenoy Lab, Postdoc (2017-2021)
- Christina Chen, Senior Research Investigator of Translational Research, Gene Therapy Program at Penn
- Prosser Lab, Postdoc (2018-2021)
- Daphney Chery, AAAS Fellow, DoD
- Mauck Lab, Postdoc (2019-2021)
- Shreyasi Thakur, Senior Field Application Scientist
- Lakadamyali Lab, Postdoc (2019-2021)
- Claudia Loebel, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
- Burdick Lab, Postdoc (2020-2021)
- Matt Caporizzo, Assistant Professor, University of Vermont
- Prosser Lab, Postdoc (2020-2021)
- Rachappa Balkunde, Scientist, Bayer Crop Science
- Dixit Lab, Postdoc (2020-2021)
- Ryan Poling-Skutvik, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, URI
- Osuji Lab, Postdoc (2020-2021)
- Edward Bonnevie, GSK, Investigator, Clinical Histotechnology
- Mauck Lab, Postdoc (2021)
- Jay Patel, Asst Professor, Emory University // Consultant, NovoPedics,Inc.
- Janmey Lab, Postdoc (2021)
- Fowad Motahari, Postdoctoral Associate, Royan Institute
- Carlsson Lab, PhD Student (2017-2020)
- Jeongyun Seo, Research Scientist, SAIT (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)
- Huh Lab, PhD Student (2017-2020)
- Ryan Emenecker, Postdoc, Washington University in St. Louis
- Strader Lab, PhD Student (2018-2020)
- Alex Lee, JD at NYU, Bausch Healthcare
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2019-2020)
- Alex Wirtz, Manufacturing Supervisor, Abbott
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2019-2020)
- Dillon Williams, University of Minnesota, PhD student
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2019-2020)
- Emmanuel Okoporu,
- Dean Lab, PhD Student (2019-2020)
- Charlotte Pfeifer, Postdoc, Rockefeller University
- Discher Lab, PhD Student (2020)
- Daniel Simmons,
- Huebsch Lab, PhD Student (2020)
- Jourdan Ewoldt, Health Specialist, NCI
- Chen Lab, PhD Student (2020)
- Xiangjun Peng, Postdoc, Tsinghua University
- Genin Lab, PhD Student (2020)
- Ehsan Ban, Postdoc, Yale
- Shenoy Lab, Postdoc (2017-2020)
- Yanbing Wang, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Georgia
- Haswell Lab, Postdoc (2017-2020)
- Gauri Khandekar, Scientist, Genesis Biotechnology Group
- Wells Lab, Postdoc (2018-2020)
- Roger Rowe, Engineering Manager, Caeli Vascular
- Genin Lab, Postdoc (2018-2020)
- Debarati Basu, Postdoc, LSU
- Haswell Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- Eoin McEvoy, Faculty, NUI Galway
- Shenoy Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- Hemant Kumar, Faculty, Institute of Technology, India
- Shenoy Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- Kalpana Mandal, Researcher, Terasaki Institute
- Janmey Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- Sonia D’Souza,
- Dean Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- Yuanwei Fan,
- Dixit Lab, Postdoc (2019-2020)
- James Meyer, Analytical Chemist at Bayer Crop Sciences
- Foston Lab, PhD Student (2017-2019)
- Michael Woody, Senior Associate, EY-Parthenon, Life Sciences
- Ostap Lab, PhD Student (2017-2019)
- Sangkyun Cho, Stanford, Postdoc
- Discher Lab, PhD Student (2017-2019)
- Xuan Cao, Machine Learning Engineer, Meta // Senior Data Scientist at Walmart Labs
- Shenoy Lab, PhD Student (2017-2019)
- Yuntao Xia, Senior Scientist, Orchid
- Discher Lab, PhD Student (2017-2019)
- Angela Schlegel, Scientific Technical Editor, AlphaGroup Medical Communications
- Haswell Lab, PhD Student (2018-2019)
- Anna McDermott, Postdoc, Emory
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Caroline Cameron, Process Engineer, Rogers Corp -> PhD student, drexel
- Assoian Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Christopher Kegelman, Biomedical Engineering Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Devon Mason, Postdoc, University of Colorado
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Jiajia Li, Fudan University
- Cheng Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Kelsey Jordan, Engineer, GSK
- Boerckel Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Shen Ji, Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- Guvendiren Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Victoria Muir, Postdoc, Princeton
- Burdick Lab, PhD Student (2019)
- Graham Burkart, Research Scientist, Michigan State University
- Dixit Lab, Postdoc (2017-2019)
- Katie Schreiber, Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering WUSTL
- Strader Lab, Postdoc (2017-2019)
- Ololade Fatunmbi, Program Scientist, Strategic Analysis Incorporated (DoD)
- Janmey Lab, Postdoc (2017-2019)
- Patrick Robison, Microscopist, Princeton University
- Prosser Lab, Postdoc (2017-2019)
- Huan Hong Ji, Assistant Professor, Jining Medical University
- Ostap Lab, Postdoc (2019)
- Katrina Wisdom, Investigator, GSK
- Burdick Lab, Postdoc (2019)
- Betsy McIntosh, Learning Assistant Pedagogy Course Coordinator and Instructor, University of Colorado Boulder
- Holzbaur Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Jonah Scher-Zagier, Science Tutor, Self-Employed
- Carlsson Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Nate Bade, Engineer, Inscripta
- Assoian Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Sonja Brankovic, PhD, GA Tech
- Assoian Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Tambre Tolliver,
- Dean Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Xiao Wang, Research Assistant, Bryn Mawr
- Cheng Lab, PhD Student (2017-2018)
- Ateka Khader, Assistant Professor, Jordan
- Arinzeh Lab, PhD Student (2018)
- Mara Olenick, Health Science Policy Analyst, NIH
- Holzbaur Lab, PhD Student (2018)
- Gloria Portocarrero Huang, Senior Resaerch Scientist, Avon
- Arinzeh Lab, Postdoc (2017-2018)
- Pedro Guedes-Dias, Group Leader of External Collaborations Manager, Proxygen
- Holzbaur Lab, Postdoc (2017-2018)
- Sebastian Vega, Asst Professor, Rowan
- Burdick Lab, Postdoc (2017-2018)
- Vishakha Karnawhat, Staff Scientist, University of Warwick
- Goldman Lab, Postdoc (2017-2018)
- William Polacheck, Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill
- Chen Lab, Postdoc (2017-2018)
- Jinling Yang, Scientist, Biogen // Research Fellow, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Chen Lab, Postdoc (2018)
- Linqing Li, Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
- Chen Lab, Postdoc (2018)
- Chris Yu, Chief Resident, UCLA Radiology
- Assoian Lab, PhD Student (2017)
- Hossein Ahamdzadeh, Associate Consultant, Exponent Mechanical Engineering
- Carlsson Lab, PhD Student (2017)
- Sijia Zhang, Data Scientist, Ancestry.com
- Winkelstein Lab, PhD Student (2017)
- Timothy Alcid,
- Hunt Lab, PhD Student (2017)
- Behzad Babaei, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neura (AU)
- Genin Lab, Postdoc (2017)
- Katarzyna Pogoda, Assistant Professor, Polish Academy of Science
- Janmey Lab, Postdoc (2017)
- Mark Mondrinos, Assistant Professor at Tulane University
- Huh Lab, Postdoc (2017)
- Ziba Razinia, Assistant Director of the Undergraduate Research Center-Sciences at UCLA
- Assoian Lab, Postdoc (2017)
AlumniJensen Tabangcura2024-08-20T10:36:29-04:00